Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bushwick BK: the hot new slum of NY Hollywood

I walked out of my subway station last night and there was a movie being filmed. This in a place that only several years ago was a dank and scary place - no joke. One time someone leaving the secondary subway access of our stop was pistol-whipped and had his jaw broken; a few weekends ago there were hipsters having a sidewalk sale ajacent to this very site, blissfully unaware of the attrocities of yesteryear. Times really are a-changin'. Anyway, this wasn't just some kids with a camera; it was the whole Hollywood treatment. There were actors' trailers, tents with craft-services underneath, grips with lights and cables, a huge light deflector next to the car where the camera crew was shooting from a camera on a dolly...I guess Bushwick is the new choice for slum portrayal. A place that is still ghetto looking but at least your craft-services won't be raided by gangstas.

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