Sunday, June 21, 2009

When cultural references go awry

The music at my friend's party last night ranged from jazz to kind of trip hop, from James Brown to the Beach Boys. Each LP played brought to my mind good times and memories of yesteryear as well as nostalgia for times not even lived. As "Surfin' USA" came flowing through the speakers and Sarah and I talked about the harmonies and sound which are so indicative of the Beach Boys, my thoughts began to wander. "California in the 60s..," I thought. "How things must have been so different...idyllic." My brain flitted from thought to thought: idyllic, Beach Boys, Surfing, sun shine, beaches, relaxing, pot, hippies, San Francisco, free love...when suddenly out of nowhere a semi-drunk Taiwanese guy slapped me out of my reverie with this insight: "I know this song! It's off the Teen Wolf soundtrack!"

It makes me wonder: if I could strip all of the occurrences in my life down to simple facts, how different would my life seem viewed through a completely alternate set of cultural references? Imagine a world where melodious harmonies make me reflect not on the nostalgia of the past but of a hairy Michael J. Fox, congealed blood doesn't look like Starburst, and Chinese Hip-Hop grandmas aren't funny or weird, but a simple fact of life.

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