Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring and a boner in the Upper East Side

I've recently begun some form of employment in the Upper East Side and have to say I really appreciate the blooming pear trees as well as the tulips which are finally showing some color all up and down Park Avenue. When you are contending with mostly concrete- or stone-gray, a little color and brightness really goes a long way.So on this glorious spring afternoon on my walk back to work, having shot this white-haired-tree-and-blue-sky-combo, I was looking up more than at my feet. In this city, this could prove a fatal move what with the uneven sidewalks, oblivious speed-walkers, ladies with carts or small dogs in jackets on leashes, cabs, cyclists, etc., etc., but had I not risked my life, I would have never noticed this dangling above eye-level. I must say that whenever I see something this out of the ordinary, my gut reaction is always to jump to the conclusion that it is an art piece. Once someone had left a box full of candy in the hall in front of the the gallery I worked at in SF; it sat there all day tempting me every time I passed it to steal a free Crunch bar or Snickers, but I never did because I was convinced it was under surveillance for some dumb art project and I refused to be a sap.

But really, what alternative to 'art project' is there when you see a bone security-locked to a parking sign hanging like some weird morbid phallus on East 78th and Madison? It certainly didn't get up there by accident.

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