Monday, May 25, 2009

Next step: Peace in the Middle East

Nekko (left) & Fred (right). Hopefully the beginning of something beautiful.

They've been growing accustomed to each over these many months and I've watched them work out ranking and hierarchy in their own feline way. But having known Nekko since she was discovered in a garbage dump at a month or two of age, over these past 10 years 'cranky' is a better 'c' adjective than 'cuddly' when it comes to describing her. With the exception of when I take a nap in a prone position. In this case, she uses me as a hammock everytime and that, to the untrained eye, might be misconstrued as cuddly (and not manipulative). Needless to say
I was surprised, neigh, SHOCKED to find Nekko sitting next to Fred on the couch with their butts touching. I don't know what it says about me that I immediately documented this moment with both my camera and my iPhone, archiving it as perhaps a good omen of things to come.

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