Thursday, February 12, 2009

Time sucks for job-search evasion

From time to time it becomes necessary (for the express purpose of preserving one's sanity) to take a break from the bleak scanning of jobs posted, of editing cover-letters, and the empty feeling produced by the sound of having no email responses from places you'd sent your resume to when you check your inbox. It's times like this when you go searching for ways to stay in touch with the world and at least convince yourself of your continued cultural validity by finding things like clips on youtube that make you feel that creativity is still valued in this 21st century world and thus maybe, just maybe there's still a fighting chance for triumph.

Here are some that reminded me of these things recently:

Miming isn't dead:

Wonder isn't lost:

There are still people who can find humor in the face of honor and esteem:

1 comment:

  1. Dude, why are you wasting your time on finding a job? Marcel Marceau passed away in 2007... I think we both know how you should be spending your 24. You've got a lot of catching up to do.
