Friday, February 6, 2009

Medical woes

This (modified) ad for the Benjamin Button movie is gone from our subway stop now but I still think about it, probably more than I should:
Of course the part that makes it hilarious to me is the fact that it's a curious case. It's probably not as funny as I am acting, but I cannot help myself.

Post Script: continuing on my love of obscure web URLs and the like, here is my defense of this new one. Originally I thought up the tag line as the blog title, but it was too long for the URL; 'rabbit' is 'lapin' in French (LAPiN); J-P Sartre
is French and thus the blog's name was born. If you couldn't follow my train of thought, welcome to my world where I am usually the only one inside on all my inside jokes. Thus things like (look up or if you wanted to know where that URL originated). Sometimes I think if you opened the top of my head up, spring loaded snakes might fly out.

Or maybe I'm simply suffering from a curious (but acute) case of Jamin Butt.

1 comment:

  1. I think you found the name for our band. Did you know we were in a band? Me neither! This is so awesome! When do we practice? Jamin Butt is gonna rule.
